Saint Basil Sunday School Program --------------------------------------------------------- Participation in worship is one of the important ways children learn and grow in faith. It is an integral part of the whole Sunday School program. In worship we learn to live with gratitude for the past goodness of God, in joy as we recognize God’s continuing presence, and in hope for a future which will bring God’s purposes to fulfillment. We learn by belonging and participating. Children need opportunities before they become adults to learn not only how we worship, but also to find out what it really means for them.
Mission Statement --------------------------------------------------------- Our mission is to reach the children and youth, to teach a child in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Program Goals --------------------------------------------------------- • Develop a Sunday School department that is equipped and trained to teach our children what they need to know, with each grade level taking them into a deeper relationship with God. • Engage the children in biblical activities that are interesting and doctrinally correct. • Prepare our children for a world that is increasingly ungodly. • Inspire our children to become teachers, leaders and effective witnesses for Christ.
Sunday School Grade Levels --------------------------------------------------------- Please use September 1st as the date for determining grade level, beginning with the Pre-Kindergarten class. So that children will be in the same grade in church as they are in their public/private school.
Arrival and Dismissal – Safety Measures for Our Program --------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 8 begin following the 9:00 a.m. liturgy. The Sunday School session usually lasts until 11:00 a.m. If there is need for a child to leave prior to this time, parents are asked to inform the teacher as they enter on that day.
Children are expected to arrive and depart the classroom attended by a parent or responsible adult or sibling on or before 10:00 a.m.
For all children in grades Pre-K through Grade K, The child’s name, parents’ name, and the location where they are during class time will be written in the “Sign-in Book”
Curriculum Overview --------------------------------------------------------- Below is a Scope and Sequence that provides parents and new parishioners with a curriculum oversight to our program for each grade level. We teach with “The God With Us” series books that is the foundation and building blocks to the program.
Preschool: Glory to God --------------------------------------------------------- This program introduces the 3- and 4-year-old to God as the Giver of all good gifts. It introduces the child to the story of Jesus, the basic of our liturgical life and the Church year
Kindergarten: God Is With Us! --------------------------------------------------------- This program is particularly oriented to the young Childs relationship with God and the Church. God is shown as Creator, Christ as Teacher and Healer. The child is encouraged to participate in the Churches worship by bowing, lighting candles, singing, etc.
Grade 1: God Is Love --------------------------------------------------------- The first graders growing concept of God is expanded as they are introduced to God as trinity and to Christ as the Son of God. Bible stories about love are employed to teach the children love and forgiveness. Their Church is presented as the communion of saints uniting us with the holy ones of all places and times.
Grade 2: God Gives Life --------------------------------------------------------- In second grade the program is designed to help the child appreciate the divine life of the Church given us in the Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist and Repentance. Our response of faith is described in terms of prayer, participation in the Divine Liturgy and keeping the Commandments.
Grade 3: God Calls Us Together --------------------------------------------------------- By third grade, the program emphasizes the importance of coming together as God’s people. The child, increasingly engaged in peer group relationships and group activities, is shown that our union with Christ is lived out in and through His Body, the Church. The church is seen chiefly in terms of the local parish and the church building: the child’s first experiences of the Christian community. There we come together as God’s People, we profess our faith, we join in worship and break bread in the Eucharist. There we serve one another in a bond of love. The church is a place of ministry: by bishops, priests and deacons, and by all the members of the Body. The church is also the Communion of Saints: we are one body with all the saints of every age. Finally the Church transcends this world: it is our glimpse of the Kingdom of God.
Grade 4: God’s Promise Is Fulfilled Student Text --------------------------------------------------------- In the forth grade, the program emphasizes the great love God has for His people and His promises to those who keep His covenants. The children hear about how God and His people form covenants in the Old Testament. They learn about the New Covenant established in His Son, Jesus Christ and especially the New Commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Each student in this program is required to have a copy of at least the New Testament, if not the whole Bible. The children are introduced to hands-on use of the New Testament, learning the location of the books and the system of chapters and verses. They begin to look up Scripture references for themselves. Lessons and activities in this program also lead the students to use the notes, maps and study guides in their copies of the New Testament. The use of Finding Your Way Through the Bible is recommended to help the children become familiar with the mechanics of the Scriptures.
Grade 5: We Are God’s People --------------------------------------------------------- In Grade 5, the students see the Church as the Body of Christ and us as its members, exercising our individual gifts to build up the Body.
Grade 6: Respond --------------------------------------------------------- By Grade 6, the program focuses on the life of the Church from the Old Testament through the New Testament as well as through the various stages of Church history.
Grade 7: Becoming --------------------------------------------------------- Book Seven fosters an awareness of our growing in the image and likeness of God, of our becoming more God-like. Basic themes developed are Creation, the Fall, Re-Creation, and Living on in Hope.
Grade 8: Journey --------------------------------------------------------- By the eighth grade, students will prepare and explore elements of the liturgical, ascetical, and spiritual tradition of the Eastern Church. The Scriptures, prayer, fasting, liturgical worship, repentance, service, and spiritual direction are viewed as vehicles of the Spirit's presence.