The National Association of Melkite Women (NAMW) was founded in 1986 by Archbishop Joseph Tawil, of blessed memory. Our purpose is to promote and support vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the United States.
Our patron feast is the second Sunday after Pascha, the Sunday of the Myrrh Bearing Women. These women followed Jesus around, ministering to Him out of their own resources. A fundraiser is held on this day to support the men studying to be Melkite priests. This money helps to pay for their expenses while in the seminary.
To belong to NAMW, each member must pray daily for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Membership is open to any woman over the age of 17. Annual membership dues are $10.00
Membership campaign is held annually on our patron feast day. However, parishioners may join at any time. A membership form is in printed in every issue of Sophia magazine,the Journal of the Eparchy of Newton for Melkite Catholics in the United States